3 Reasons Women Entrepreneurs Struggle Financially and
How To Step Into Wealth Now

Anyone who’s built real success in business knows it takes more than a solid strategy, wealth principles, and inner work. Those things matter, they are the foundation, but they aren’t enough on their own to create the cash flow you want.

So many women stay stuck in financial struggle, hiding their frustration in shame. They look at the women online hitting $10k, $20k, even $100k months and wonder why they can’t seem to break through, despite knowing deep down their message and expertise are just as powerful, if not more.

When I work with a client who’s struggling to create the income she desires, it’s almost never about whether she’s meant for it. Ninety nine percent of the time, the reason is glaringly obvious, and it has everything to do with what she’s doing or not doing.

Yes, every entrepreneur faces ups and downs. Some projects flop, unexpected expenses hit, and risks don’t always pay off. That is part of the game. But if your income isn’t growing year after year and you’re spinning your wheels in the same loop, it’s time to stop and get real with yourself.

Who are you being? What actions are you taking or avoiding? Are you showing up and taking full responsibility for your results, or are you stuck in blame, frustration, and excuses?

If you’re ready to make real moves, it’s time to take a look in the mirror. You’re not here to struggle or settle. You’re here to glow, lead, and build the business and life you know you’re meant for.

One of these three reasons might be keeping you stuck. Let’s fix that now.

1. A Lack Of Focused Attention

It’s never about how many hours you have in a day. It’s about how you apply yourself in the hours you do have.

Successful entrepreneurs understand this. They don’t waste time spinning their wheels or getting pulled in a million directions. Instead, they focus on efficiency, productivity, and allocating uninterrupted time to the tasks that actually move the business forward. Think sales, marketing, and showing up powerfully in their work.

I believe wholeheartedly that you get to have it all, and you get to glow on the way. But you don’t have to do it all. If that means reviewing your schedule and outsourcing, automating, or delegating, give yourself permission to do it.

Running in circles and calling it progress is not the vibe. It’s not productive, it’s not aligned, and it’s definitely not the path to the life and business you’re building. The real shift happens when you create space to lock in and focus on what actually matters.

Whether you’re working toward consistent $10k months or scaling to $100k and beyond, just four solid, intentional hours dedicated to the right tasks will shift your results completely.

This is how the most productive entrepreneurs make it happen while still having time for the gym, dinner with friends, and a midweek facial. They have mastered the art of focus and flow, and that is where the magic happens.

2. Their Marketing Is Not Converting

Everything you need to create a wildly successful business starts with two simple questions:

  • What are you selling?

  • Who are you selling it to?

When you know exactly what you’re offering and who it’s meant for, you’ve already won half the battle. Most people get stuck because they try to skip this part, hoping they will figure it out along the way. But here’s the truth. If you’re not clear on these answers, no fancy launch process or aesthetic branding is going to help.

Let’s break it down.

What are you selling? This isn’t just the product, service, or offer. It is the transformation. The outcome. The thing that changes the game for your client. Are you selling freedom? Confidence? Time? Impact? The clearer you are about what your offer represents and why it matters, the easier it is for people to see its value. People buy solutions, not services. They buy how your offer makes them feel, the problem it solves, and the dream it makes possible.

Then there’s the second question. Who are you selling it to? And I don’t mean a vague demographic like women between twenty five and forty five who like coffee. I mean really knowing your people. What keeps them up at night? What do they dream about? What challenges are they desperate to overcome? Speak to them so clearly that they feel like you’re in their head.

People want to feel seen and understood. They want to know that you have exactly what they’ve been searching for. The deeper you connect with your audience, the more magnetic your business becomes.

When you lock in on these two questions, everything flows. Your messaging lands. Your content converts. Your strategy aligns.

You don’t need to do more, you need to do what actually makes an impact.

3. They Hide In the Shadows

One of the biggest reasons women stay stuck financially is because they’re not showing up. Instead, they’re looking around at their mentors or the women they admire and trying to build their brand in the shadow of someone else’s.

Here’s the thing. The online space is growing daily. The opportunity to build a profitable business has never been bigger, but it also means standing out is everything. Hiding behind someone else’s voice or style is not the move.

If you want to make waves, you need to step forward and claim your space. This is about giving yourself permission to own your voice, your message, and your vision unapologetically. You’re not here to blend in. You’re here to lead.

That extra-ness you’ve been suppressing? The sass, the boldness, the fire? That’s your magic. That’s what makes you you. And that is exactly what your audience needs to see.

People don’t just want credentials. They want to know what you stand for. They want to feel something when they hear you speak. They want to be part of something that matters. That means being courageous enough to share your opinions, create a brand with depth, and show up like you mean it.

People want to be moved... they want to be part of something that matters. You have to have an opinion, be courageous enough to share it and get yourself in the game.
— Christine Tona

If your message isn’t landing, ask yourself if you’re actually showing up at full volume. Are you being crystal clear on your expertise, your impact, and what you stand for?

Owning it isn’t enough. You need to put it out there, consistently, with the energy that only you can bring.

The beauty of having a lifestyle business is you get to do it your way. No cookie cutter formulas. No playing by someone else’s rules. You’re here to build something that reflects your life, your voice, and your vision.

You already have what it takes to be the woman who commands attention, attracts the right clients, and does the work that matters most.

That version of you already exists. It is just time to step into her.

Make space for what you want. Adjust your schedule, your energy, and your focus to match the life and business you’re creating.

You were born to be wildly wealthy. Now it is on you to give yourself the green light.

Glow For It, Make It Happen…

Christine xxx

