How To Follow Your Passion & Find Your Next Big Move

Let’s get one thing clear shall we?

Ever since forever, you’ve known you’re here to do big things.

It’s ok, it doesn’t sound weird or arrogant or obnoxious to me.

I believe you.

You’re here to make an impact…

By bringing to the world all that’s inside of you.

Sharing that message instead of biting your tongue.

Creating art and the world you, and others like you want to immerse yourselves in.

Being free to build a lifestyle that works for you in the way that works for you.

Breaking the ancestral and generational chains.

And working with people to create major change and transformation in their lives.


I know. I feel you. You’re not alone.

Your people and the world need you to step into the role that was always set out for you and start making moves bigger than big.

You’re a pioneer, a change maker. Here to pave a new way.

The one whose calling just gets louder no matter how hard she tries to shush it or push it away.

I know, you know it’s your time.

So hun, it’s time to follow the call.

There’s no more time to be living the wrong life…

Here’s how.


Know what you want and give yourself permission

I know you have that big burning vision inside of you.

The calling that just keeps calling like wailing sirens down a busy city street. Screaming and screeching for your attention. That next level of self - 2.0.

You know what you want. You know what it looks like, you’ve seen the vision a billion times over. That part is clear.

Now you have to accept it.

You wouldn’t have the vision if it wasn’t real.

The desire inside of you is leading you and you have to follow the call. Or not.

Ultimately it’s up to you. But you know the cost of that right?

It’s like um… your entire SOUL.

Accept the vision. Know it’s real and it’s for you.

Then, surrender and give yourself permission to go for it.

Nobody else is going to come and grant you permission.

Even if they do, ultimately it’ll be up to you to embody it and start moving forward. So there’s no point waiting, right?

You can decide in this very moment, right now as you’re reading this, to give yourself permission to actually become the woman you’re meant to be and live the life you were born for.

All you have to do is decide.

Take Action Today: Write down your vision in detail. What does your next level look like? What’s the business you’re elevating into? Who are the clients you’re impacting? Once you see it on paper, ask yourself: What is one small step I can take today to bring this closer to reality? Maybe it’s reaching out to a mentor, creating a nuanced, more specific piece of content, or setting a deadline to launch your offer. The sooner you take action, the sooner momentum builds.

Notice what comes up and realise It’s all lies.

Whenever you’re about to make another big move (or your first big move) there will be a whole lotta fire and motivation to go out there and make it happen.

And underneath it all will be the silent yet somewhat loud stirrings tugging at you.

I don’t know if I can…

I’m not ready for that yet…

I’m not good enough…

I don’t know what to do first…

etc, etc… so on and so forth.

FYI - this is normal.

Everyone goes through this no matter how far along in their journey they are, or even how much ‘success’ they’ve seemingly created.

All these thoughts and beliefs are simply a lie. They come up to keep you where you’re at now, which I’m guessing is…

Comfortably uncomfortable?

Comfortably uncomfortable is not enough for you.

You want big, grand, bold and to make that vision real so you can live it instead of sitting in a perpetual daydream.

While it’s tempting to let these ideas impact you, remember, they’re not real.

The people who make shit happen are the ones that keep moving forward anyway.

No. Matter. What.

The truth is, it’s not even a question of whether you can or you can’t.


If you don’t believe this, then borrow my belief in you because I know you can.

Here’s the question you need to ask yourself…

Will you?

Just because you can, doesn’t mean you will.

So, will you? Or won’t you?

This is the difference between the many who don’t and the few that do.

Be part of the few who do.

Reflect & Reframe: Ask yourself: What stories have I been telling myself that are keeping me from taking action? Instead of letting self doubt hold you back, flip the script. What if it actually works? What if this decision changes everything? The only way to know is to move.

Decide it’s already done and forget about the how

The how won’t show up until you make the decision and commitment. That simple.

You don’t need to know HOW if you’re still dancing on the sidelines and not all the way in the middle of the dance floor.

Here’s the other thing.

You can look around at the people all over the internet telling you HOW and what you’ll find is that every way works.

Just not for everyone.

You can invest all the time and monies into learning the latest strategies, algorithm hacks and whatever else the internet God’s deem you need to know and implement. Maybe you’ve already done that.

Yet still, you’re sitting there in that position, perhaps no further along, still searching for ‘the right way’.

Yes, there are lessons to be learnt around business fundamentals, skills like marketing and sales.

But at the end of all it, you’re always going to come back to YOU.

So if you’re always going to come back to you, might as well start and stick with YOU.

Decide your vision is already done and get in the game. Trust me the how will show itself to you instantly.

Then, it’s in your hands to trust what the next step is and jump in head first, with no turning back.

You’re not a mini-me, following the shadow of someone you’ve put on a pedestal.

You are ALL OF YOU. Own it and bring her to the forefront. The world is waiting.

It’s a wild ride.

And I know, you know you wouldn’t have it any other way.

Micro Move Challenge: Instead of overthinking, take a bold step today that aligns with your next level self. Maybe it’s increasing your prices, pitching yourself for a podcast interview, or sharing your real opinions online. The how becomes clearer when you start moving.

Get around people who are doing it

Environment is everything.

It will either lift you up, keep you stagnant or pull you down.

Be intentional about who gets your time and energy.

Be mindful of what you’re sharing and who you’re sharing it with.

Make conscious decisions about what content you’re consuming.

You kinda have to get ruthless with your environment and surroundings.

Choose to have conversations that are uplifting with people who are on the same journey and at different stages of that journey. Pay to be in those environments if you have to. Masterminds, conferences, get into the game and be around the people and the energy you’re shifting into.

Choose to be around people who are ridiculously open and honest about their journey and generous with their knowledge and expertise. And become one of these people yourself.

If something or someone doesn’t align with where you’re going, acknowledge it and make a plan to move into what does align.

Even 1% off a flight path will take you way off course.

Not everyone and everything is going to come with you and that’s ok.

Lead the way.

That’s what you’re here for, right?

Thought so.

Audit Your Circle: Who are the five people you spend the most time with? Are they supporting your growth or keeping you in the same place? If it’s the latter, it’s time to make some shifts.

It’s Not Hard

You can go to many different places on the internet and get an entire plan on how to create your dream business.

The information is there. The how-to is there. It’s free!

And it’s not hard. It’s actually pretty simple.

What makes it hard is how you FEEL about the action you need to take and how you feel about yourself.

Look, how you feel about it is valid. There’s a time and a place to address that.

And you have to do it anyway.

This is why so many people think building a lifestyle business, a personal brand, making big moves and bringing a vision to life is so hard.

Here are the only two things you need to start making big moves:

  1. Clarity on who you are and what you’re here to do; and

  2. Trust in yourself to make the right moves.

Power Move: Right now, decide on one thing you will do today to move your brand forward. No second guessing, no waiting for the perfect time - just action.

It’s not hard. It just takes audacity and a major dose of courage and sass.

And you’re dripping it in…

Take those things you're scared to say yes to, wonder whether you're good enough for, that you're simply not owning and just decide.

Decide that it's already available;
It's meant for you and then...

Glow For It, Make It Happen...

Christine xxx